About Us


      Zoo Safari USA is located in a beautiful valley in rural Northeastern Oklahoma. The facility is south of the small town of Locust Grove. It is a unique zoological park that is committed to providing an educational experience to visitors young and old alike. Zoo Safari’s strives to provide an awareness of the animals and plants in which we share our world and a respect for the environment. We are committed to the continuing the development of this facility and to provide a unique experience for all who visit.

Zoo Safari Philosophy:

     From its onset, the Zoo Safari USA has operated with the philosophy that children and adults should not have to pay to learn something new. Most zoos and other animal parks charge an entrance fee or a flat fee. Many schools, child daycare facilities, and families cannot afford this additional expense. We provide all of our services at no charge and survive through donations. Families who come to our facility for a visit are provided with an individual tour in which they can ask any question they wish about our animals. Our volunteers feel the biggest “reward” is to see the look on a child’s face as they see and touch these wondrous creatures for the first time.

Zoo Safari USA’s continuing mission:

     Zoo Safari USA had a dedicated and driving force to the rescue and education of exotic animals. With the combined knowledge of 60 years of specialized animal care needs. Not only do we rescue these unwanted “pets” but we give them a permanent home to live out their lives as they should, without  worry or care.

     In turn, we use these animals as ambassadors to teach children of all ages where they originated in the world, diet, and habitat, etc.

     We provide an up close personal educational experience that promises an unforgettable time. We passionately believe that children should not have to pay to learn something new. With budget cuts everywhere, schools cannot afford this luxury, but that’s where we excel. All of our work is done solely on donations, we do not have any set fees for all the work we do. We have touched thousands of kids’ lives and encourage conservation for future generations.

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